Multidimensional Database: Usefulness and Advantages

Multi-dimensional databases (MDDB) are a type of database that is designed to handle complex data and analytical queries. They are particularly useful for business intelligence applications, where data is often analyzed across multiple dimensions, such as time, geography, and product lines. In this article, we will explore some of the advantages of using multi-dimensional databases.

Fast Query Performance

One of the biggest advantages of multi-dimensional databases is their ability to provide fast query performance. This is because they store data in a multi-dimensional cube structure, which allows for efficient data retrieval and aggregation. Unlike traditional relational databases, which require complex join operations to retrieve data from multiple tables, multi-dimensional databases can quickly and easily retrieve data from multiple dimensions in a single query.

Easy to Understand

Another advantage of multi-dimensional databases is that they are easy to understand. The multi-dimensional cube structure makes it easy to visualize and analyze data across multiple dimensions, which can help users to better understand their data and identify trends and patterns. This is particularly useful for business intelligence applications, where users need to quickly analyze large amounts of data to make informed business decisions.

Flexible Data Analysis

Multi-dimensional databases offer a high degree of flexibility in data analysis. The cube structure allows users to drill down or roll up data across multiple dimensions, which can help to reveal hidden trends and insights in the data. Users can also perform ad-hoc analysis, where they can easily create custom reports and pivot tables to analyze data in a way that makes sense to them.


Multi-dimensional databases are highly scalable, which means they can handle large volumes of data and users without sacrificing performance. This is important for business intelligence applications, where data volumes can quickly grow as more data sources are added. Multi-dimensional databases can be easily scaled up or down depending on the needs of the organization, which makes them a flexible solution for data management.

Real-Time Data Analysis

Multi-dimensional databases can support real-time data analysis, which means that users can quickly analyze data as it is generated. This is particularly useful for applications such as financial trading and monitoring systems, where real-time data analysis is critical for making informed decisions. The multi-dimensional cube structure allows for fast data retrieval and aggregation, which means that users can quickly analyze data as it is generated.

In conclusion, multi-dimensional databases offer a number of advantages over traditional relational databases for business intelligence applications. They provide fast query performance, are easy to understand, offer flexible data analysis, are scalable, and can support real-time data analysis. As businesses continue to generate more data, multi-dimensional databases will become an increasingly important tool for managing and analyzing that data.

Database Related – Multidimensional Database

MDBMS – Multidimensional DataBase Management System

To understand Multidimensional Database, you are required to have some knowledge on Relational Database. I’ll explain RDBMS in simpler terms so that everyone can understand. We all know RDBMS, which is nothing but Relational Database Management System.

The name itself says that the database system forms a relation between tables which contains fact. Each and every table has rows and columns which forms 2 dimension. For every corresponding rows and columns of a table there will be one value. It is like a 2 dimensional matrix. So if we assume any matrix like

Continue reading “Database Related – Multidimensional Database”

Hyperion Essbase Database for Analysis

Hyperion Essbase – A Multidimensional DataBase Management System

When we think database, we think it as a storage mechanism. Hyperion Essbase is not a database we commonly think of for storage. It is a database when we think about analysis and not just only storage.

Hyperion Essbase Cube

So, yes it is not faster like transaction databases but yet it is very powerful.
Please read Multidimensional-Database more here
Essbase full form is Spread Sheet dataBASE, E is added to make it pronounce easier.

Essbase is developed to address the scalability issue with excel.
Imagine 100 excel sheets with data and that needs to be consolidated into one file…

Continue reading “Hyperion Essbase Database for Analysis”